i am so hima skrg..haha..adeyh..actually got lot of works to do..hehe...this is my wonderful friend.nabila..was borned on 4th of january..start knal makcik ni mase matrix.tyme tu dpt serumah.da la xknal pun.kt krm rsenye xpnah plak ckp.tetibe dtg sini kn stay sekali..housmate tyme tu maisarah,elin,ngn hanisa.ntah cm ne bleh jd rapat plak..hehe.here goes the sequence..
this pic time matrix.looked gorgeous(perasan mode).hhaha..

mase u1..ehe..looked more matured kot..ehe~.
nabila slalu mengahabiskn my food..huhu.sian ko bila..ko ckp mase kt skolah ko kurus..btul ke??bile dtg sini ko jd besar sebab ade ak ke??xpe2 bila.skrg kite mkn je pe kite nk.pnah la beberape hari kite share je mkann..sebb ak nye pasal la kn. dont have any appetite..so drpd membazir baek share je ngn bila.ko ok jek..xbesar pun..hehe..ur perangai??hurm.cm bdak2 pun ade.klaka pun ade.kuat sgt knekan org..xpe2..ak suke knekan org gak..hahaha..mase berbelnja x kisah pun.kdg2 teroverused duit bila..hehe..sury ye klu if ade owed you..huhu..klu dri segi study..bila cepat hafal..quick learner..hehe..masak??pandai masak.untung org kat blok A tu..haha..memng rajin..hehe.rajin wat kje..kuat jugak berjalan xkisah la shopping ke x.ckp je xnk beli pape last skali sure terbawak blek sumthing kn bila?.hehe..ok la..nothing much to say..
p/s:xjmpe gambar u2 sebab tu x letak..