this pic has been taken last nyte on 8th of August..left pic taken by timah,my kohai..n the right one was taken by myslf..ehe~agak x elok sket.amek dlm bus..but memng really interested in this mosque nye senibina..sgt menarik n sgt lawa..especially the kubah n menara dye..cantik sgt..aha..lots on sidetracks plak.ehe~what im gonna write here is about the ceramah that we have attended at that night..which is given by Prof Dr Harun Din,and Prof Dr Rubiah(i dont know either my spelling is right or not)..tajuk dye at that night wat melahirkan generasi beriman dan bertakwa..talking bout generas,what is it in your head??ehe~"generasi are us,org muda2",kate Prof Dr Harun Din..dalam nk melahirkn generasi yg beriman pada Allah semuanye bermule dari didikan ibu bapa..pesan Rasulullah ibu bapa adalh guru pertama bg anak adalah ibu bapa.kenapa kite kne beriman pada Allah???sebab manusia sentiasa berhadapan dgn masalh..jika kita beriman pada Allah,Allah x akn biar kite terkapai2 sorng diri..Allah akn membantu kite dlm menyelesaikan masalh tu.if u want to know more bout ganjaran Allah pd org beriman bukak Alquran surah At-Talaq..peranan ibu bapa sgt penting..to future ibu bapa,kite nk ajar anak kite jgn la based on mental,emotion je,spiritual also plays important role in our life as we heve been created by Allah ,our god..
ehe~menyibuk sket gmbr kitorng...

nabila pakai tudung sy...hehe
ish adik ni
kenapa saya nampak bersinar di bwh cahaya lampu
alorh.adik..nk promote tudung plak kat cn.hehe
jee.awak sntiase bersinar..mnyinari hidup org len jugak.ehe~
eeee..sape seblh aida tue..cuak nye ak tg0k
haha.kah..yg sebelah aida tu igt x dye pnah jd witch mase kt krm?ehe~dye witch jad..hehe
knp mke aq plik....sbb aq pki sume hitam ek...tyme 2 aq skit kepala sgt2...sob2
sb ko tgh bcerita pasal mogart kot..
sjk bile ko mnceburkn diri dlm bidang pnulisan ni?? huhu..mntap r..
sye bru stat je blog ni..ehe~
cik nabila..bukan mogart..maggot la.haha
malu2 hehe..
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