"once you have been tagged,you are supposed to write a note with 25 random,things,facts or goal about you.at the end,choose 5 people to be tagged.you have to tagged the person who tagged you.if i tag you,its because i want to know more about you."
kadai ini telah diberi oleh cik nabila.need to write 25 random things.haha..as for me,quite lil bit difficult,especially when you want to write about yourself.but this kadai really interesting.sugoku omoshirokatta..lets start..
1)sy suke merancang:)baru nmpk teratur,we can aim something vividly n everything will goes smoothly without no problems:)xkire la pape keje pun.even keje tu is the simplest things.kalau condition homework,saya akan cuba memahami terlebih dahulu,xkisah la sama ada saya boleh melengkapkan ke x homework tersebut,tp yg penting bagi diri saya adalah memahami isi kandungan homework yang ditanya.
2)sy xboleh nk marah orang..kalau orang tu buat teruk macam mne pun,still xleh nk marah..huhu..tp kalau org ade masalah nk jmpe face to face im on je:)
3)saya memilih dalam bab makanan,saya sangat sukakan ayam goreng,sbb dye x nampak mentah.saya boleh je nk mkn ayam yg x bergoreng,tp tgk jugak sape si pemasak tu..hehehe..contohnya mama saya ke,close friend ke.
4)saya suka roti:)..pape jenis roti:)
5)sgt suke mkn seafood..
6)part plg ptng sy suke makan gune fork n spoon,jadi bile kuar lunch or mkn dgn nabila,sy akn mntak dye buangkan kulit udang ke,buang tulang ikan ke..heheheh..sian bila..
7)love city very much..because each of them got the art value.so i really don't mind at all to those like to laugh at me, they said like u haven't see the city for such a long time..and its not really about the city that i like,i really like to see the building's design itself..and i like that part very much eventhough i'm not an architecture student.8)agak boros.huhu..xtahu la nk ckp mcm mne..tp skrg da mula menabung untuk masa hadapan:)
9)suke tegakkan bnde yg btul n confirmed sy tahu..mcm klu de word yg org tu salah sebut sy gtau dye word yg btul..n bile org tu mcm xyakin sy akn cari proof sampai dye tahu bnde yg btul..huhu..mcm nmpk sedikit pemaksaan tp sy xsuke org tahu bnde yg salah..huhuhu.
10)suke mengemas rumah:)hahaha..bajet je ni.sgt rimas kalau brg2 bersepah sy akn kemaskan tanpa disuruh n will do it willingly,tp tgk keadaan jugak,if sy je buat agak melampau disitu sbb da stay together,they should sedar mnde2 mcm ni.^^
11)love window shopping.will take a look at the thing first, that is always in my head,then will come back another time to buy it..biase kalau da suke sy beli je:)
12)sy tiada warna kesukaan..sbb bagi sy warna melambangkan mood seseorang dan juga perlu disesuaikan dgn tmpat event dan mase:)..i think this phrase is true enough ryte??when im really happy ill buy things which has fancy accessories:)and when i want to choose any baju really need to take on any account on time date and venue or any events..
13)sy suke tgk tv n dgr radio:)berita.drama.movies and sume yg de kt tv la..hehe..skrg kt nihon stay kt umh sorng2 n tv pn xde,jd sy suke bukak radio online,baru nmpak mcm hidup sktet umah sy yg sunyi ni..
14)sy xleh tgk video2 yg menakutkan kalau tgh sorng2..huhu..
15)sy suke bce novel,buku cerita,pape bahan bacaan online..but not hiburan and artist gossip..really hate this type of news..durh.
16)masak?hahah..jarang sekali.sbb xde mood nk mkn ..bile dtg mood, sy akan masak best2.hahha..perasan je ni.
17)lame lagi nk yg ke 25.ape lagi eh?sy sgt suke kan perbincangan ketika belajar.lepas da paham tu,sy akan revised balek supaya lagi faham:)
18)xtahan sejuk:(
19)sgt suke BUNGA..hehe..esp fresh flowers..hehe
20)terlalu bnyk peristiwa yg berlaku dlm hdup ni,menjadikan diri ini lebih berhati2.:)
21)i like mr CHOCS:)cadbury,whoa,,sedap:)mknn lagi kn..hahaha
22)bile da masuk musim sejuk,baju yg dijemur di ampaian sebenanye da kering,tp bile kite sentuh dgn tgn rse mcm belum kering lagi kn,,so SOLUTION nye is longgokkan baju depan heater..haha..bile da agak panas baru lipat masuk oshiire..^^
23)lagu?haha.. all genres fix myself.xkire la pop,jazz ke pape ke.hehe..but not heavy rock or metal rock ke pape yg org nyanyi mcm terjerit2 tu..bingit telingo den dgr..hehe.
24)ouhh..ape lagi nk tulis..haa..xsuke ckp xboleh selagi tak try..and selalu berpesan pada diri jgn pandang rendah diri akan kebolehan diri sendiri..its not about to boast about yourself ke ape..but its really motivated yourself ..
25)i like to travel:)every time got the chance to travel jauh2,sgt excited to go there.sbb mase otw tu boleh tgk pemandangan..hehehe.whoaa..best2..sbb tu nk kan org jauh^^lol..hahaha..
haha..kelakar la sohe..yg nombor 21 tu menarikk!nnt nk buat la :D
aku ingt lg aku yg kupas kulit udang tu..seronokk :)
aku skeee yg nmbor 25..mntk2 ko dgn org klantan,nnt blh duk dkt dgn ko :))
bila..ak nk kawin ngn org klatan jgk..sbb nk duk dkt2 ngn sume org..hahaa
bila 21 ke 22?haha..yg jemur baju tu ke?hahaha..hurmm..ye tak ye kan..nk dgn org kelantan la..dekat dgn sume ko..
soha mmg suke city pon..kalau lalu bandar jgn kacau die sebab die akan fokus pd pemandangan bandar tu haha
hahaha..betul2 jee.hahaha~~lawak la.
br ku tahu yg soha ni klaka org nye..hihi
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